Hello from Davidson!

Hello from Davidson!

Well, hello there.

Welcome to Moms Lake Us, the blog written for moms of Lake Norman, Charlotte and beyond. I’m glad you stopped by!

My name is Amy and I live in Davidson with my husband Dan, daughters Madeline and Molly and two very poorly behaved rescue mutts, Wylie and Mr. Butters. If you already live a frazzled and slightly chaotic existence with just two children, I highly recommend adding a formerly homeless dog to the mix. Or two.

Like so many women of the area, I love being a mom. LOVE it! Well, 95% of the time. Maybe 90%. Okay, 80%.

It’s that other 20% that does us all in, right? The lost shoes, quibbles over homework, the sheer and utter heartbreak when your child comes home and says she wasn’t invited to the birthday party. And yet it’s the 80% that drives us on. The way their hair smells after a bath. The giggles that float downstairs as they play school. The feel of a warm, chubby hand tucked in yours as you guide her across a busy street. I made this. She is mine.

Like so many others, I exist because motherhood is not the only role I play. I am a writer (you may have seen my stories in the Charlotte Observer), I play tennis (some days better than others), I dance, I read hundreds of books, and I love drinking wine with friends while making fun of contestants on the Bachelor. I believe that I am a better mother and person because I have interests which extend beyond my family.

They say a mother’s work is never done, and I know this to be a fact on so many levels- from the laundry strewn across the floor to the end-of-day reflection on how I could have better handled a situation with one of my daughters, or my husband, or a friend. I am constantly growing. Or at least, I hope I am.

I believe that sharing life’s experiences is what connects us and makes us whole. I hope you agree. And I look forward to the ride.
